As part of a capacity enablement workshop on FOI Act coming off in seven day’s time, explain the planning process of a press conference component of the workshop while you give a practical demonstration of how you are going to deliver the address and field questions from the press. You may organize a mock press conference and inform the plenary what happens after the conference.
- At the planning process, CSOs will meet to decide the goal and objectives of the press conference
- Decide action steps (what to do)
Assign responsibility to members:
- Who does the script writing
- Who read the script
- Who takes the narrative
- Who drafts and send letters
- Who moderates the conference
- Who does the introduction
- Identification of allies in the media outfits
- Selection of media houses to used
- Come up with budgets
- Decide stakeholders to be part of the conference
- Follow-up the letters sent media houses
- Come up with Action points (maximum of one page)
- Decide the Venue for the conference, Date and Time
- The Conference
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