Kindly find below the requested information with regards to pre-selection to attend the inter-governmental negotiation of the post-2015 in February. In order to make it easier, I spoke to each of the criteria as follows:
General Criteria
- The person must speak English and be able to follow the discussions/debates at the UN and have meetings with Member States in that language.
- Must have a passport and commit to properly follow up on any related process regarding the visa to the US. The Secretariat will be able to provide an invitation letter but all follow up should be done at country level and by the nominee.
- Must be willing to proactively engage with Missions in New York and to set up bilateral meetings and to speak on behalf of Beyond 2015 during those meetings (S/he must coordinate with the Beyond 2015 Advocacy Director on that although the responsibility of setting up meetings will rest on the nominee).
- Be willing to present statements on behalf of Beyond 2015 when there is such an opportunity.
- Must be authorized by his/her organization to represent and speak on behalf of Beyond 2015 while in New York.
- Must commit to participate in a Webinar after the session to present the outcomes of the Mission.
- Must commit to submitting a ‘back to office’ report and to participate in a follow up Webinar with the whole campaign where s/he will report on the achievements of his/her participation.
Specific Criteria:
- Nominees must be a representative of a Beyond 2015 participating organization.
- Must present in two paragraphs why she/he is willing to attend the Session and represent Beyond 2015 in New York.
- Must present concrete examples of engagement with the Campaign at global, regional and national levels.
- Must highlight their specific expertise pertaining to the negotiation session
- Add a short bio (not more than 150 words)